There are many tasks that business owners must attend to when they are setting up their businesses to become profitable operations. One of the issues that they should bear in mind is the safety of all those who enter the business premises. Business owners, by law, are responsible for the safety of all their employees and customers, and most workplace accidents are caused by slips and falls. Cutting corners would be very expensive, especially when it comes to preventing slips and falls, and business owners should ensure that they have slip testing done on the materials that they lay down on the floors. Slip resistance testing is a prerequisite before opening business, so every individual who walks in can be safe from slipping and falling.
Taking the skid resistance test for your business
Prudence dictates that before you open your doors for business, you should have the floors tested for traction. This test is also known as the slip resistance test and it should be done by professionals, who go through all available tests to finally ensure that your business meets the minimum requirements for slip resistance.
A professional testing company will run a number of tests including the pendulum slip resistance test; they have the special equipment and experience to ensure your floors are safe. The testers will perform tests when the floor is under several different states.
They start off testing the floor when it is in a dry state, and then move on to test it when it is in a wet state. At times they may test when there is a spillage of oily or soapy liquids. The results will depend on the type of material your have used, the angles of the floor and many other factors. The tests will indicate the performance of the floor in all these states, and they will make recommendations on what can be done to avoid accidents.
When you deal with a professional slip testing company, you get expert opinion on what can be done should your floors fail the test. You may need to change the flooring material, or overlay it with materials that stop slippage. All these measures will ensure that your floor is safe for all those who walk on it.
By law, slip resistance testing is a must. If someone should fall, you will be liable for any injury caused and the compensation could be very high. If an accident happens, professionals will still come to test the floor to determine if it met the required standards, so it is best that you do it now. Your insurer or lawyer should be able to direct you to a reputable resistance test company.
Getting a slip resistance test company
We offer you the best testing services to make sure that there is optimal safety for all those who enter your business, this will also protect you from the lawsuits that may come your way due to slip and fall accidents. Contact us for more information on how we can perform an in-depth slip resistance test for your business.
Slip Testing UK offer a slip resistance pendulum test service throughout all UK cities. The major reasons to have your floor slip tested is to ensure that you fall within HSE regulations for floor slip resistance requirements. Through carrying out slip testing you can show due diligence and risk assessments have been carried out to protect your workforce. Therefore reducing the likelihood of a costly court case claim against you for failing to maintain the slip resistance qualities of your flooring. Your insurers will also lower their premiums if you can demonstrate that the floor surfaces in your buildings are regularly slip tested by a qualified company such as Slip Testing UK.
If you would like to carry out a floor slip test then it is a very straight forward and cost effective process. Please contact our friendly team on 0208 2465562 and they will be able to provide you with a quotation for a slip resistance test.
We carry out slip testing in cities such as Bradford, Manchester, Wakefield and Nottingham. Slip resistance floor testing can be undertaken nationwide and we have HSE approved floor testing technicians in London, Derby, Cambridge and Milton Keynes.
If you require slip testing carried out in locations such as airports (Heathrow, Gatwick, Bristol etc), floor slip tests can easily be carried out using our pendulum slip testing equipment.
We do not only carry out surface slip resistance pendulum testing. Our experts can perform surface roughness and rz micro roughness testing. Please contact our slip testing experts in our London head office for more information on this service.