Many people have heard of the Pendulum Test, but do not know what it is. For contractors, architects and other building expert, this is a test that is only known to well. However, the pendulum test is actually a way of measuring the slipperiness of any floor.
Yes, most of the floors that you walk upon when you are at the mall, at your train station, or any office building have to be tested for slipperiness. This was found to be necessary after many people feel and got serious injuries that left them with huge hospital bills and some could not even go back to work due to the injuries. The law then deems the owner, contractors, manager and others liable for the injuries caused and offers high compensation to the victims.
With slip testing, or using the pendulum test, both the people owning or managing buildings, and innocent passers are protected from any harm. The pendulum test is done in a manner that allows the machine to detect how slippery a floor is. If it passes the test, then the floor is deemed to be safe for foot traffic. If it is not safe, then something must be done to ensure that the floor does not cause any injury or subsequent lawsuits.
Not many people know this, but a pendulum test is one of the best ways of telling how slippery a floor is. It is done on the site and therefore mimics the actual motions that passing foot traffic would have. There are other tests, which are done in the lab, but their results are according to lab results.
When people have to go through litigation for an injury, the pendulum test is relied upon as the nearest to the norm. Any of the parties can ask for an expert opinion on a pendulum test. The building owner might want to prove that the floor was safe, or the victim may try to prove the floor was not. Any pendulum test results done in the past will also be important in this case.
The pendulum test involves using a boot which is then pushed across and the results from the pendulum show just how slippery a floor was. Oddly enough, the test was first developed to test the slipperiness of roads just go avoid accidents. Now it is being used to test just how slippery any floor is.
The pendulum test can be dome on any floor. It is not restricted to office floors or those of big malls. For your own safety, if you have slippery floors at hose, you should have the pendulum test done, so you are sure that you and your family are safe. There are several remedies that can be done to ensure that floors are safe, but these are best applied after the test has been done. Call us now and we shall give you the best pendulum test interpretation, and then give you recommendations should you need to change the slipperiness of your floors.