Chequer Plate Slip Testing in the Laboratory

A Closer Look at Laboratory Slip Testing of Chequer Plate Samples


Slip accidents are a common cause of injuries in workplaces and public spaces. To prevent such accidents, various safety measures and materials are employed, and one of these is the use of chequer plate, also known as checker plate or diamond plate. This textured metal surface provides improved traction, reducing the risk of slips and falls. But how can we ensure that chequer plate surfaces meet safety standards? The answer lies in laboratory slip testing, a crucial process that assesses the slip resistance of these surfaces. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of slip testing for chequer plate samples and the methods used in the laboratory to evaluate their slip resistance.

Understanding Slip Resistance

Before delving into the details of laboratory slip testing, it’s essential to understand slip resistance and why it’s important. Slip resistance is the ability of a surface to provide sufficient friction or traction to prevent a person from slipping, especially when the surface is wet or contaminated with substances like oil or water. This property is critical for flooring materials used in industrial settings, public spaces, and even vehicles.

Chequer Plate and Its Slip-Resistant Properties

Chequer plate is a type of metal sheet with a raised pattern of diamond or rectangular shapes on its surface. This texture enhances the slip resistance of the plate by providing multiple points of contact for footwear or tires. Chequer plate is commonly used in industrial applications, including flooring for ramps, stair treads, and vehicle decks.

Laboratory Slip Testing of Chequer Plate Samples

To ensure that chequer plates meet safety standards and provide adequate slip resistance, laboratory slip testing is conducted using standardized methods. Here are some of the key aspects of slip testing for chequer plate samples:

  1. Surface Preparation: Before testing, the chequer plate samples must be cleaned and prepared to remove any contaminants that could affect the test results. The surface is typically cleaned with a specified method, such as detergent and water.
  2. Test Methods: Two common methods for slip testing of chequer plate samples are the pendulum test and the ramp test. a. Pendulum Test: This method involves swinging a weighted pendulum with a rubber slider across the surface of the chequer plate sample. The slider simulates the contact of a person’s shoe sole with the surface. The test measures the dynamic coefficient of friction (DCOF) and provides a slip resistance rating. b. Ramp Test: In the ramp test, the chequer plate sample is inclined, and a person wearing standardized footwear walks up and down the surface while the angle of the ramp increases. The point at which the person slips is recorded, and the slip resistance is assessed based on this angle.
  3. Standards and Regulations: Slip testing is conducted following specific standards and regulations relevant to the intended application. For instance, in the United States, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) sets guidelines for slip resistance in public spaces.
  4. Interpretation of Results: The test results are typically expressed as a coefficient of friction (COF) or as a rating based on the chosen test method. Higher COF values or ratings indicate better slip resistance.


Laboratory slip testing of chequer plate samples is a vital step in ensuring the safety of various applications, especially in industrial and public settings. By evaluating the slip resistance of these surfaces using standardized methods, we can make informed decisions about their suitability for specific environments. Ultimately, the goal of slip testing is to reduce the risk of slip accidents, protecting both workers and the general public from potential injuries. Chequer plates, with their slip-resistant properties, play a crucial role in achieving this goal and maintaining safe and secure environments.